The Center for Development of the Pelagonija Planning Region is included in the Decentralized Cooperation Program between the Republic of Macedonia and the Lower Normandy Region since 2010. Within this program, a Network for cultural development of the Pelagonija region has been established, in which all relevant stakeholders in the development of culture participate. The network, which is coordinated by CRPPR and in cooperation with Lokomotiva from Skopje, prepared a Strategy for cultural development of the Pelagonija region 2013-2016, the first such document with regional scope in the Republic of Macedonia, which is in line with the Strategy for Cultural Development of the Republic of Macedonia. Within the cooperation, CRPPR realized the project: Culture in the role of territorial development and social cohesion in partnership with the Center for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture Lokomotiva Skopje and the Mixed Trade Union of the Bay of Mont Saint Michel, within which the second edition is realized at the event Regional Days of Culture in Pelagonija. In 2014, the Center for Development of the Pelagonija Planning Region and the partners of the Mont Saint-Michel-Normandy Bay Trade Union signed a Memorandum of Cooperation.
During 2015, the realization of the project: Developed heritage vector of relations and basis for regional identity began, which during 2015 and 2016 will be realized in both territories, Pelagonija and Normandy. Within this project, a joint tourist product was created with the participation of all relevant stakeholders from the 9 Pelagonija municipalities with special emphasis on the local population, a visit of representatives from relevant institutions from Normandy was organized and meetings were held with representatives of cultural institutions in Pelagonija. . Also, through a joint process, the third in a row Regional Days of Culture were realized, which included 10 cultural events in all Pelagonija municipalities. As part of the cooperation, an Android application was developed for a total of 5 paths to the churches and monasteries of Baba Mountain, after their previous field audit and revision of the Catalog of churches and monasteries of Baba Mountain.