The Council for Development of the Pelagonija Planning Region (SRPPR) organizes and coordinates the activities for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the planning documents for regional development, adopts the Program for development of the Pelagonija Planning Region, with the prior consent of the Council for balanced regional development and adopts annual action plan for implementation of the Program for development of the Pelagonija planning region.
Also, SRPR determines the annual list of project proposals for development of the Pelagonija planning region and submits proposals to the Bureau for Regional Development for identification of areas with specific development needs within the Pelagonija planning region.
SRPR is responsible for ensuring coordination of the activities of local self-government units, citizens’ associations, state agencies and institutions within the region operating in the field of regional development, as well as to initiate consideration of issues related to regional development that require coordination. between local self-government units and partners from the private and civil sector,
SRPR promotes cross-border cooperation with regions from other countries based on common interests.
Members of SRPPR
Natasha Petrovska, President of SRPR and Mayor of the Municipality of Bitola
Zivko Gosarevski, Mayor of the Municipality of Resen
Ilija Jovanoski, Mayor of the Municipality of Prilep
Tome Hristoski, Mayor of the Municipality of Krushevo
Marjance Stojanovski, Mayor of the Municipality of Demir Hisar
Jasmina Gulevska, Mayor of the Municipality of Mogila
Ljube Kuzmanoski, Mayor of the Municipality of Novaci
Cemil Camili, Mayor of the Municipality of Dolneni
Rubincho Shefteroski, Mayor of the Municipality of Krivogashtani
Sessions of the development council
16th session of SRPPR-18.07.2016
The following items were on the agenda of the 16th SRPD Session
1. Review and adoption of the minutes from the 15th Session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region;
2. Proposed Decision on amending and supplementing the annual financial plan of CRPPR for 2016 – Rebalance of the budget of CRPPR;
3. Proposed Rulebook for systematization of jobs in the administration of the Center for Development of the Pelagonija region;
4. Proposed Decision on the organization, scope and manner of performing the tasks of the administration of the Center for Development of the Pelagonija region;
5. Information on the international conference for business meetings with companies from the Republic of Turkey;
6. Miscellaneous
15th Session of SRPPR – 18.05.2016
At the 15th Session of the SRPR in the period (2013-2017) the following items were on the agenda:
1. Review and adoption of the minutes from the 14th Session of the Council for development of Pelagonija planning region
2. Information on the approved projects from the Regional Development Program for 2016
3. Information on the course of realization of the projects approved by the Program for financial support of the rural development for 2015 and signing of the agreements for co-financing of the projects
4. Co-financing of CRPPR for 2016
5. Information on applying for a project in the program of the Japanese Embassy and signing a Memorandum of Cooperation
6. Information on the implementation of the project Integrated Network for Regional Development of UNDP
7. Information on cooperation with the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ)
8. Information for the international conference for active tourism Adventure Next Balkan in Ohrid 10-12 May 2016
14th Session of SRPR – 23.02.2016
At the 14th Session of the SRPR in the period (2013-2017) on the agenda were the following items:
1. Review and adoption of the minutes from the 13th Session of the Council for development of Pelagonija planning region
2. Review and adoption of CRPPR annual financial statements
3. Review and adoption of the Report on the operation of CRPPR in 2015
4. Review and adoption of the Report on the implementation of the Program for development of the Pelagonija region in 2015
5. Information on projects submitted within the Program for balanced regional development of the Republic of Macedonia in 2016
6. Information on the course of realization of the projects approved within the Program for support of the rural development in 2015
7. Participation of CRPPR in projects within the Cross-Border Cooperation Program between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece 2014-2020
8. Miscellaneous
13th Session of SRPR – 15.12.2015
At the 13th Session of the SRPR in the period (2013-2017) the following items were on the agenda:
1. Review and adoption of the minutes from the 12th Session of the Council for development of Pelagonija planning region
2. Determining the list of project proposals for development of the Pelagonija planning region in 2016 with financial support from the Regional Development Program of the Republic of Macedonia
3. Decision on the annual financial plan of CRPPR for 2016
4. Information regarding the IPA project for the 4 planning regions (Pelagonija, Southwest, Vardar and Skopje region) for which a Regional Waste Management Plan will be prepared
5. Miscellaneous
12th Session of SRPR – 16.10.2015
The following items were on the agenda of the 12th SRPD Session in the period (2013-2017):
1. Review and adoption of the minutes from the 11th Session of the Council for development of Pelagonija planning region
2. Adoption of a conclusion regarding the payment of value added tax (VAT) for projects approved under the Program for financial support of rural development for 2015
3. Amendment of the Rulebook for job systematization in the administration of the Center for Development of the Pelagonija planning region
4. Amendment of the Decision on the organization, the scope and the manner of performing the tasks of the administration in the Center for Development of the Pelagonija planning region
5. Miscellaneous
11th Session of SRPR – 31.08.2015
At the 11th Session of the SRPR in the period (2013-2017) the following items were on the agenda:
1. Review and adoption of the minutes from the tenth Session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region;
2. Adoption of an action plan for realization of the Program for development of the Pelagonija region in 2016;
3. Adoption of an amended priority list for realization of the Program for development of the Pelagonija region in 2015;
4. Decision on amending and supplementing the annual financial plan of CRPPR for 2015;
5. Information for a realized Study trip to Italy;
6. Review and adoption of recommendations for management of Pelagonija as a destination for adventure tourism;
7. Review and adoption of the Study for development of Pelagonija as a destination for adventure tourism;
8. Adoption of the visual identity of Pelagonija as a destination for adventure tourism;
9. Miscellaneous
10th Session of SRPR – 26.05.2015
At the 10th session of the SRPR in the period 2013-2017, the following items were on the agenda:
1. Review and adoption of the minutes from the 9th (ninth) session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region;
2. Election of the President of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region;
3. Review and adoption of the Projects that will be applied by the Center for Development of the Pelagonija region on the Public Call from the Program for financial support of the rural development for 2015;
4. Adoption of Decisions for priority of the projects that will be applied to the Public Call from the Rural Development Program for 2015;
5. Information about the study trip to Italy;
6. Information on the projects from the Bureau for Regional Development;
7. Information on GIZ projects;
8. Miscellaneous.
9th session of SRPR – 26.02.2015
At the 9th session of the SRPR in the period 2013-2017, the following items were on the agenda:
1. Review and adoption of the minutes from the 8th (eighth) session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region
2. Review and adoption of the Annual Report on the operation of the Center for Development of the Pelagonija planning region for 2014
3. Review and adoption of the Annual Report for implementation of the Program for development of the Pelagonija region 2010-2015 in 2014
4. Review and adoption of the Final Account of the Center for Development of the Pelagonija planning region for 2014
5. Participation in the call of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ RED) in the Grant Scheme for support of third parties
6. Decision for transformation of one employee in full-time employment for an indefinite period of time in accordance with the law for transformation in full-time employment (Official Gazette no. 20 of 12.02.2015)
7. Miscellaneous
8th session of the SRPR – 03.02.2015
At the 8th session of the SRPR in the period 2013-2017, the following items were on the agenda:
1. Review and adoption of the minutes from the 7th (seventh) session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region
2. Review and adoption of the Program for development of the Pelagonija planning region 2015-2019
3. Review and adoption of the Action Plan of the Center for Development of the Pelagonija Planning Region 2015-2019
4. Participation in the call of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ RED) in the Grant Scheme for support of third parties
5. Information on the completion of the cross-border project FIRESHIELD between Macedonia – Greece and adoption of a Decision on reallocation of funds from the regular account of CRPPR to the project account
6. Project information: Integrated network for regional development in the Pelagonija planning region
7. Miscellaneous
7th session of SRPR – 28.11.2014
At the 7th session of the SRPR in the period 2013-2017, the following items were on the agenda:
1. Review and adoption of the minutes from the 6th (sixth) session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region
2. Information on the application of projects in the Bureau for Regional Development for 2015 3. Decision on the priority list of regional projects for 2015 (Bureau for balanced regional development of the Republic of Macedonia)
4. Adoption of the financial plan for 2015 of the Center for Development of the Pelagonija planning region
5. Information on the program of the Pelagonija region 2015-2019
6. Project information: Integrated network for regional development in the Pelagonija region
7. Information on the completed project within the PBG financially supported by GIZ RED and adoption of a monitoring matrix
8. Miscellaneous
6th session of SRPR – 23.09.2014
At the 6th session of the SRPR in the period 2013-2017, the following items were on the agenda:
1. Starting cooperation with UNDP for establishing a regional development network
2. Presentation of the achieved results from the cooperation with Karana Corporation
3. Information on the status of the projects from the Grant Scheme based on results (PBG GIZ RED)
4. Information on the process of adopting the new program for regional development of the Pelagonija planning region for the period 2015-2019
5. Amendment of the annual financial plan of CRPPR for 2014
6. Decision on determining the value of the point for the amount of salaries of the employees in the Center for Development of the Pelagonija planning region
7. Miscellaneous
5th session of SRPR – 27.02.2014
At the 5th session of the SRPR in the period 2013-2017, the following items were on the agenda:
1. Review and adoption of the Minutes from the fourth Session of the SRPR
2. Review and adoption of the CRPPR Final Account
3. Review and adoption of the Annual Financial Report of CRPPR
4. Review and adoption of the Annual Report on the operation of CRPPR
5. Review and adoption of the Annual Report for implementation of the Program for development of the Pelagonija region 2010-2015 in 2013
6. Review and adoption of the Action Plan for 2014
7. Approved projects within the Program for balanced regional development of the Republic of Macedonia for 2014
8. Campaign of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of the Republic of Macedonia “Macedonia, land of flowers-land of roses” – Presentation of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of the Republic of Macedonia 9. Miscellaneous
4th session of SRPR – 06.12.2013
The following items were on the agenda of the 4th session of the SRPR in the period 2013-2017:
1. Review and adoption of the Minutes from the third session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region
2. Adoption of the Annual Financial Plan of CRPPR for 2014
3. Decision on the priority list of regional projects for 2014 (Bureau for balanced regional development of the Republic of Macedonia)
4. Decision for participation in the Performance Based Grant Scheme (GIZ RED)
5. Miscellaneous.
3rd session of SRPR – 21.08.2013
At the 3rd session of the SRPR in the period 2013-2017, the following items were on the agenda:
1. Review and adoption of the Minutes from the second Session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region
2. Acceptance of criteria for prioritization of project ideas that will be submitted in the Grant Scheme based on results (PBG GIZ RED)
3. Prioritization of project ideas that will be submitted in the Grant Scheme based on results (PBG GIZ RED)
4. Adoption of a priority list of projects that will be submitted within the Program for balanced regional development for 2014 (BRR 2014)
5. Amendment of the annual financial plan of CRPPR for 2013
6. Signing of an Agreement for establishing an inter-municipal board for waste management (RIUO, Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Macedonia)
7. Election of the President of the Inter-Municipal Waste Management Board
8. Election of members of the professional service of the inter-municipal waste management board
9. Election of members in the commission for granting financial assistance for achieving standards in the operation of small-scale catering facilities (Project Implementation of the legislation for categorization of tourist-catering facilities in the Pelagonija region financed by BRD 2013)
10. Information on approved project Introduction and implementation of LEADER approach in the Pelagonija region (second phase) and study trip to Zadar, Republic of Croatia
11. Information on projects that will be submitted within the third call of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program with the Republic of Greece
2nd session of SRPPR – 03.07.2013
At the 2nd session of the SRPR in the period 2013-2017, the following items were on the agenda:
1. Review and adoption of the Minutes from the first constitutive session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region;
2. Review of the approved projects and coordination for their implementation within the program for balanced regional development for 2013;
3. Starting cooperation with the German development agency GIZ RED
4. Implementation of the LEADER project in the second year
5. Open call for cross-border cooperation between Macedonia and Greece
6. Regional waste management
7. Miscellaneous.
At the constitutive 1st session of SRPPR in the period 2013-2017, the following items were on the agenda:
1. Constitution of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region
2. Election of the President of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region
3. Miscellaneous
Vladimir Taleski – Mayor of the Municipality of Bitola was elected President of the Council for Development of the Pelagonija Planning Region.
The Council for Development of the Pelagonija Planning Region on February 28, 2013 held the 16th session at which the following points were discussed:
1. Adoption of the Minutes from the 15th Session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija region
2. Adoption of the Annual Report on the operation of the Center for Development of the Pelagonija region for 2012
3. Adoption of the Annual Report for implementation of the Program for development of the Pelagonija planning region for the period 2010 – 2015 for 2012
4. Adoption of the Annual Financial Report of the Center for Development of the Pelagonija Region for 2012
5. Adoption of the final account of the Center for Development of the Pelagonija planning region for 2012
6. Information on the course of implementation of the projects approved within the Program for balanced regional development of the Republic of Macedonia for 2012
7. Information on the implementation of the project “Construction of a hydrant network in the Pelagonija region” funded by the Japanese Embassy
8. Information on the implementation of the project “Innovative educational programs for improvement of natural resources of the cross-border region Pelagonija / Florina ZOO Innovativa” funded under the IPA Cross-border Cooperation Program between the Republic of Macedonia and the Hellenic Republic
9. Information on the course of implementation of the project “Introduction of the EU LEADER approach in the Pelagonija region” funded by Karana Corporation and the Small Business Expansion Project
10. Information on applied projects within the Program for balanced regional development of the Republic of Macedonia for 2013
11. Information on applied projects within the Environmental Investment Program of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning of the Republic of Macedonia for 2013
12. Review of the Draft-report of the Certified State Auditor for the performed audit of performance-efficiency from the realization of the Program for balanced regional development of the Republic of Macedonia for the period 2009-2012
13. Co-financing of the current operation of the Center for Development of the Pelagonija region from the national budget and financing of regional projects through the Regional Development Programs
14. Miscellaneous
The Council for Development of the Pelagonija Planning Region on November 29, 2012 held its 15th session at which the following points were discussed:
1. Presentation of representatives by the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning on the amendments to the Law on Waste Management;
2. Establishment of the Regional Board for Waste Management in the Pelagonija region;
3. Establishment of operational (technical) services in the Regional Board
4. Adoption of the annual Action Plan for 2013 of the Pelagonija region;
5. Adoption of an annual list of project proposals for development of the Pelagonija region for 2013;
6. Adoption of the annual financial plan of the Center for Development of the Pelagonija region for 2013;
7. Information on the implementation of the received project FIRESHIELD from the program for cross-border cooperation between Macedonia and Greece;
8. Information on the approved project ZOO INNOVATIVE from the program for cross-border cooperation between Macedonia – Greece;
The Council for Development of the Pelagonija Planning Region on 28.02.2012 held the 14th session at which were adopted the projects that will be submitted to the Bureau for Regional Development of the Republic of Macedonia for 2012 by the Pelagonija region.
At the session, in addition to the projects that will be submitted to the Bureau for Regional Development, the members of the Council reviewed and adopted the reports on the work of CRPPR in 2011 as well as the received, applied and implemented projects that CRPPR implemented last year.
At the 13th regular Session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region held on 15.12.2011 in the municipality of Bitola as one of the items on the agenda was the election-re-election of a new President of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region. The Council for Development of the Pelagonija Planning Region has been re-elected the Mayor of the Municipality of Bitola, Mr. Vladimir Taleski. The mandate of the President of the Council for Development of the Pelagonija Planning Region is for a period of 2 years. Also, the Council for Development of the Pelagonija planning region as one of the items on the agenda was the presentation of the models for establishing an integrated waste management system in the Pelagonija region by the team of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, led by Minister Abdilaqim Ademi. At this session, the mayors of the Pelagonija region had the opportunity to get acquainted with the two models for establishing a system for integrated regional waste management:
1. Through Competitive Dialogue, Public Private Partnership and
2. With the support of the IPA instrument
After a constructive discussion between the members of the Council for Development of Pelagonija region with the representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, the mayors of Pelagonija region and members of the Council for Development of Pelagonija region decided that the Pelagonija region will establish a regional system for integrated waste management with the support of the IPA instrument.
At this session, the priority proposal list for projects of the Pelagonija planning region for 2012 was adopted, as well as the financial plan for 2012 of CRPPR.
On 14.07.2011 in the municipality of Prilep was held the 12th session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region (SRPPR). The 12th session was attended by all 9 mayors from the Pelagonija region. At the 12th session of the Council for Development of the Pelagonija Planning Region, the Action Plan for 2012 of the Center for Development of the Pelagonija Planning Region was adopted.
At this session, the Director of the Center for Development of the Pelagonija Planning Region Ms. Emilia Ѓeroska informed the members of the Council for Development of the Pelagonija Planning Region about the signed agreements with the Bureau for Regional Development (BRD) for approved projects to be implemented in the Pelagonija region.
The 11th session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region was held – 17.02.2011
Held the 10th session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region – 21.12.2010
On December 21, 2010 in the municipality of Bitola was held the tenth session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region at which were accepted the Annual Report for implementation of the Program for development of the Pelagonija planning region 2010 – 2015 by the Center for development of the Pelagonija planning region for 2010, the Annual Report on the operation of the Center for development of the Pelagonija planning region for 2010, the Annual Action Plan for 2011, the Annual Financial Plan for 2011, the List of proposed projects for development of the Pelagonija planning region for 2011, as well as The tourist map prepared by the Center for Development of the Pelagonija region last year.
The 9th session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region was held – 29.10.2010
Held 8th session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region – 10.06.2010
On June 10, 2010, in the municipality of Bitola, the 8th session of the Council for development of the Pelagonija planning region was held, at which the Program for development of the Pelagonija planning region 2010-2015 was presented. The mayors – members of the world discussed and adopted the Program for development of the Pelagonija planning region 2010-2015 which contains four strategic goals:
1. Better interconnection and international connection of the municipalities in the region through planning and construction of modern infrastructure;
2. Improved environment by reducing pollution, eliminating its consequences, as well as increasing energy efficiency;
3. Higher quality of life and greater social cohesion in the region, through continuous investment in human resource development;
4. Encouraging the local economic development of the Pelagonija region.